61-0723m The Ever-Present Water From The Rock

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Does God deal with people by dreams?
What did the little mother with one baby holding to her hand and the other one on her arm say, that she would be willing to do in order to build a place where they could stay and worship?
Give up her home
Sell her horse
Allowance her children at the table
None of the Above
The morning that Brother Branham dedicated the tabernacle, what did the Holy Spirit tell him to do the work of?
An evangelist
A linemen
A pastor
A carpenter
When Jesse lost the mules, who did his boys go to?
Their mother
Their neighbors
The king
The prophet
The word "church" means _______.
Gathering place
Place of worship
Called out
When little Moses was born, did Jochebed and Amram fear the threats or commandments of the king?
What did the wilderness journey mean?
The time of testings
The Millennium
End of testings
The time of rest
This name means a "dry place" or a "desert."
"The sauce for the _______ is for the _______."
Duck / Hen
Goose / Pheasant
Goose / Gander
Pork / Chicken
Israel followed the Rock. The Rock never followed Israel.
Where does it say in the Scripture, "Everywhere the soles of your feet shall trod, I’ve given to you. Wheresoever thou goest, the Lord thy God is with thee. Don’t you fear any man. Be courageous! Just wherever you make a footstep, I’m right there with you, no matter where it’s at"?
The 1st chapter of Exodus
The 1st chapter of Joshua
The 1st chapter of Romans
The 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians
Brother Branham said, "But, remember, the Rock never left Israel. Israel left the Rock, it forgot about the Rock being with them all the time. It was right there, went right with them to the end of the road. 'It followed them.'" It wasn’t out of _______.
Speaking distance
Hearing distance
Seeing distance
All of the Above
What law did Brother Branham say this nation could use to water the fertile ground in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Eastern California from the water in the lakes and feed the world?
Who was the brother that took the handkerchief to the woman that had cancer in the stomach and was healed?
Brother Ben Bryant
Brother Welch Evans
Brother Banks Wood
Brother Neville
God has little weak parts and big strong parts.
"That’s what Power is in the Church now, but it is controlled by a law. And that law is not 'keeping a bunch of commandments.' It’s a law of ________."
We can conquer every disease. We got the Power in us. We are sons and daughters of God, nothing can stand before us.
"But, remember, that Rock never left them. It never did leave them. And Christ will never leave us; Christ said, 'I’ll be with you always, even to the end of the world.' Is that right? And that Rock stayed with them all the way from _______."
Egypt to the wilderness
Mount Sinai
Horeb to Nebo
Kadesh Barnea
When the three little boys walked up to the altar, when did Brother Branham say they were forgiven?
When they came to the altar
Before they even left their seats
When they raised their hands
After they left their seats
What song did Brother Branham have the little boys and girls in the front sing?
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world."
"We’re marching to Zion!"
"I’m in the Lord’s army. Yes, sir!"
"Jesus loves me! This I know, the Bible tells me so."