65-1121 What House Will You Build Me?
The Foundation Quiz
Due: Thursday, June 28, 2007
In the scripture Brother Branham read, who built God a house?
King David
God built His own house
John the Baptist
How do you feel when you are in God’s Presence?
Super Big
What is God’s throne, and what is His footstool?
Heaven is my throne and the sea is my footstool.
Earth is my throne and Heaven is my footstool
Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool
Heaven is my throne and my footstool
Why did brother Branham go to Tucson?
He was sent by a vision
His wife told him to go
He was homesick
He missed his flight and had to stay.
Where did Moses go to write the Old Testament?
He went to the desert.
He went to his home.
He didn’t go anywhere.
He went and sat on a rock.
Who is the writer of the New Testament?
Why does God drive a man to do things that's beyond any thinking of his own?
So it can be the glory and honor of God.
So the man will feel important.
To teach people that God is in control
God likes to make people look smarter than He is.
What will drive you to do things you don't think you would do?
Dislike for someone
Being afraid
What fruit does Brother Branham mention?
What did Brother Branham say we must look to on this earth?
The leading of people
The leading of no one
The leading of parents
The leading of the Holy Spirit
Though the whole world, maybe your very best friends, think that you're wrong, how do you know if something will pan out just right?
You know because you’re always right.
God never leaves us hanging.
You feel there’s something behind it, God moving you.
It will just work out.
What did Brother Braham say was the reason that he never made a successful pastor?
He didn’t enjoy it enough.
He had a roaming rambling spirit.
His family.
He wasn’t strong enough.
How must we worship?
We must worship sincerely.
We must worship very happily.
We must worship in the Spirit.
We must worship as little as possible.
Our Message should not only be the flame of the hour, but also what?
The flame in our life.
The constant thought in our minds.
The flame in our hearts.
What did Brother Branham say about only two people assembling together to worship God?
He said to stay away.
He said to pray for them.
He said to ignore them because there is only two and that’s
not enough.
He said to be one of them.
What should we always seek first?
Our own will
One another’s will
The Kingdom of God
Bro. Branham talks about the song changing as the parade passed by. What did it change to?
Amazing Grace
Teach Me Lord To Wait
Pass Me Not
Onward Christian Soldiers
Who will come forth first at the end time?
The Bride
All will come at once
Old timers/ saints and patriarchs
The families with children
What kind of soldiers do we want to be?
Strong soldiers
Happy soldiers
Faithful soldiers
Mean soldiers
What do we see written on the streets?