54-0624 The Deep Calleth To The Deep

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who in the Bible said, “When the deep calleth to the deep?”
What did the little eagles walk around on before their mother took them from the nest?
Feathers form the mother eagle
Sticks and thorns
Fur from animals the mother had killed
Mud and leaves
What did the mother eagle notice when she raised her head and was whiffing the air?
A coyote
A pack of bear
A Northerner
A snake
God never made the tree for the earth, He made the earth for the tree.
There was a little boy that ate the erasers off of pencils and the pedal off of a bicycle. What did the doctor find out that he needed?
What does Brother Branham do after the first time he prays?
He shakes hands with one of the brothers on the platform
He wipes his eyes
He counts the prayer cards that he has on the pulpit
He takes off his suit jacket
How many prayer cards had been passed out the night before this service?
Doctors heal.
"Any flesh _____ when the life is gone."
Turns to dust
Can live again
After about _____, corruption sets in.
Four days
Seventy-two hours
Forty-eight hours
Twenty-four hours
What was the woman that stood up in the audience holding in alcohol?
A frog
A tooth
An insect
When your faith causes the life from a cancer or growth to leave, what will resurrect it?
Condemnation in your heart
A lying spirit
The devil
What did Brother Branham pray would come visible before the audience?
The demons that were being cast out
The people's faith
Any unbelievers present
Brother Branham went into nations and found that they want to see ________.
More denominations coming in
More missionaries
A minister that is educated and can speak with intelligence
Somebody that's got faith enough to make God's Word manifest
What is Brother Branham waiting for when the first woman in the prayer line is standing while he talks?
The Angel of the Lord
The people's faith to grow
The prayer line to form
The people to quiet down
What song does Brother Branham ask the organist to play?
"The Great Physician"
"Only Believe"
"I Love Him"
"I Surrender All"
What did the first lady that came through the line suffer from?
Someone said she was a witch
She had lost her memory
She had a stroke and suffered from heart trouble
She had been in a car crash and cancer had come into her neck
Which of the following did Brother Branham tell the second lady that came through the prayer line?
Her name
Her address
Her illness
All of the above
What did the little child that came through the prayer line suffer from?
She was blind
She was crippled
She was deaf and dumb
What sickness did the last man in the prayer line suffer from?
He was an unbeliever
He was an alcoholic
He wasn't sick