65-0718E Spiritual Food In Due Season

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Monday, August 16, 2010

Where did Brother Branham read in the Scripture for his text?
Isaiah 7:14
I Kings 17
John 5:43
Numbers 13
Who did God command to feed Elijah while he was at the brook?
The widow woman
Angels from Heaven
How many more times has God promised to use the Spirit that was upon Elijah?
Elijah was a very dignified man.
A real modernist, with four hundred Hebrew prophets.
How long would the rain stay away?
As long as Ahab would not obey the words of Elijah
Until Jezebel was dead
Until Elijah called for it
Three years and three months
What did God provide for Elijah during the time of drought?
A secret place
A cave
A river
A resting place
During the time that God was going to punish the unbeliever, He made a _________for the believer. The same thing He does each time.
Way to repent
Way of revenge
Select path
Way of escape
How does God do His Own interpretating of the Word?
God chooses the most qualified man He can find to interpret His Word
God confirms His Word, and that's the Interpretation of It
Through your pastor
He allows you to interpret the Word for yourself
The Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing, all the time.
Jesus was both an angel and Divine.
What is the meaning of Jesus having hair white as wool?
It means He will return on a cloud
It portrays that He will return on a white horse
It vindicates that He is the Supreme Authority
It shows that He is the Lamb of God, spotless from sin
Elijah going to his secret place during the drought is a type of _______.
Jesus ascending into Heaven until His second coming
Israel being called out of Egypt
The tribulation
Our secret place in Christ.
When Brother Branham picked up a rock and threw it in the air, he said to Brother Banks, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, _______."
You're going to see the Glory of God
Sister Ruby will be healed
I will send a blast that will shake the mountain
Judgment is striking the west coast
Brother Branham had a vision of a man with an allergy in his eye, and the man was healed? Who was he?
Brother Woods
Brother McHughes
Brother McAnally
Brother Roy Roberson
How did the Glory of God fall that tore the side of the mountain out?
In an earthquake
In a thunderstorm
In a whirlwind
In a pillar of fire
Elijah left the brook before God called him.
Why is it that the Message doesn't go out amongst the denominations?
It's not their Food
It's too rich for them
It would make them sick at their stomach
All of the above
When the disciples asked Jesus, "Master, why don't You eat?" and He said "I have Food that you know not of." What was His Food?
He had some fish that no one knew about
To do the will of God
To serve His people
His Food was to show His power
"He is so _____ you can't get over Him, so _____ you can't get under Him, so _____ you can't get around Him, and yet you got room in your _____ for Him."
High, deep, wide, heart
Deep, wide, high, heart
High, wide, deep, soul
Deep, wide, high, soul