61-0426 Micaiah The Prophet
The Foundation Quiz
Due: Monday, November 29, 2010
What happened to John while he was in jail?
He performed many miracles
His eagle eye had filmed over
He spoke to Jesus
He was tortured
In the Bible, where can you find the statement, "Blessed is he who is not offended in Me?"
Matthew 7:9
John 11:7
Matthew 11:6
Luke 24:24
Brother Branham called on a woman to step out in the isle and show the people her healing. The sister rejoiced because she was healed from what?
She was cripple
Her body was petrifying
A tumor
Where in the Bible does Brother Branham read for a text?
I Kings 22:14
Micaiah 4:11
Micah 7:14
II Kings 22:1
Jehoshaphat was king of Israel.
Borderline believer
A real believer will always do what before he does anything?
Consult their pastor
Sleep on it a few nights
Ask their families opinion
Consult God first
Who was the chief of Ahab's prophets?
What did Jehoshaphat ask Ahab after he heard the 400 prophets say to go up and take the land?
If he could pray about his decision to go with Ahab to battle
If Ahab had one more prophet
If Ahab had a plan of attack
He asked about the prophecy of Elijah
Ahab liked Micaiah more than his 400 trained prophets.
What did they offer Micaiah if he would say the same thing the chief prophet said?
Gold and silver
To join their association
To let him out of prison
What did Micaiah see in a vision?
God sitting upon the throne
Israel scattered like sheep on a hill, having no shepherd
A council meeting of how to deceive Ahab
All of the above
Who prophesied that the dogs would lick Ahab's blood?
How did Micaiah know that his vision was right?
Because it was a heavenly vision
God told him it would be the opposite of what the 400 trained prophets said
He took his vision and compared it with the Word of God
All of the above
Why couldn't the disciples cast out the epileptic spirit from the child?
Because Jesus had taken away their power to cast out devils
They weren't saying the right thing
The person was a sinner and they could not help him
Because of their unbelief
Which of the following are NOT examples Brother Branham used of Christians that stayed with God's Word?
Noah, David, and the Hebrew children
Peter and John
Daniel and David
Jonah, Moses, and Malachi
Jesus had prayer lines when He was on earth.
How did Christ promise to come at the end of the Gentile age?
On a cloud of white
In the pillar of fire
With the Messiahic sign
With all the gifts in the church
The Roman soldier felt virtue when he hit Jesus on the head.
During the prayer line, what did Brother Branham tell that the Holy Spirit said to him?
"Make an altar call right now. There's a lot of unbelief in here"
"Sing Only Believe"
"Take up the prayer cards. They don't believe you"
"There is great faith in here. All can be healed that believe"