60-1206 The Smyrnaean Church Age

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Saturday, May 20, 2023

The _______ Age was issued in at the same time the _______ Age went out.
Sardis / Laodicean
Ephesian / Smyrna
Pergamos / Sardis
Smyrna / Ephesian
Why did Brother Branham pick Irenaeus as the angel of the age instead of Polycarp?
Irenaeus was closer to the Scripture
Irenaeus was older than Polycarp
Irenaeus had more converts to the Lord Jesus
Irenaeus had more of an education
In Irenaeus’ church, it was uncommon to see someone dead brought back to life.
God hates anything that’ll put anything to rule over His Church besides _______. He is a jealous God.
A teacher
An overseer
The pastor
"Now, this church had begin to spring up 'a root of bitterness.' Why? It was bitter against those who want to continue on with the _______."
Roman government
Holy Ghost
Church doctrine
The church _______ is associated with the nature of its _______.
Door / Pastor
Size / Works
Building / Congregation
Name / Character
What did Brother Branham like to put on top of his cherry pie?
Crushed pecans
Calf slobbers
Black berries
Any time a persecution comes upon the Church, it strengthens it.
What did Brother Branham say would show that his little boy Joseph was his?
His birth certificate
His stature
The blood test
All of the Above
When you get over to your lovely big home up there in Paradise, what song will you hear Brother Branham singing down at his little cabin?
Amazing Grace
Only Believe
One Of Them
Never Grow Old