62-0601 Taking Sides With Jesus

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Brother Branham felt called from the beginning to be pastor of the Branham Tabernacle.
What was Brother Branham's first call?
To be on the field of evangelism
To pastor the Branham Tabernacle
To stay alone in the woods as God's prophet
To become a minister in the Baptist Church
What subject did Brother Branham say he was going to bring for about five minutes that he had been studying?
The blind man and the Pharisees
The early Church
Water baptism
The Nicene Council
In the beginning, when the Church was inaugurated at Pentecost, what did the Holy Spirit wait on before It came?
For all the nations under heaven to gather outside
For all the hundred and twenty to arrive at the upper room
For the one to be chosen to take the bishopric of Judas
Ten days had to pass
When Paul would establish a church, and other little churches came out of it, the man over the first church was called the _____.
When Polycarp left, _______ taken It over.
Which meeting did Brother Branham count as his greatest meeting?
The Durban, South Africa meeting
His meeting in Bombay
The healing campaigns in Florida
In Houston, Texas where the Pillar of Fire picture was taken
Who did Paul leave his bishopric with?
Which one of the following is NOT one of the three things Brother Branham said could happen to him?
It could be the end of his road
The Lord was going to give him a Mount Carmel experience
It could be that the Lord was changing his ministry back into evangelism, for overseas
The Lord was not going to call him anymore for an evangelist
Prophets don't evangelize.
Brother Branham never felt that he should live in Indiana.
What was Brother Branham's suggestion for a church for converts to attend that came to Christ in his overseas meetings?
He suggested that they go back to their former religions and church
He suggested having men that have been trained in the Faith to come over and take over churches that he had set in order
That the converts vote on a man that they would like to be their pastor
For the converts to leave the country and come to America
Where does Brother Branham read from in the Bible?
Acts 6:1-6
I Timothy 3:1-13
I Corinthians 12:8-11
Saint John 9:26-35
The Pharisees and the teachers of His day constantly tried to _____ Jesus before the people.
When the disciples asked Jesus about the blind man, if he had sinned, what did they find out?
His blindness was a curse because of his sins
His blindness was permitted for the works of God to be made manifest
His parents were evil and it was a result of their sin
That the man could never be healed because of his unbelief
Whose disciples did the Pharisees say they were of?
John the Baptist
What happened to the man that was healed of blindness when the Pharisees threw him out?
He was met by his parents
He started a church of his own
He became one of the twelve disciples
Jesus found him again and spoke to him
What's the only way you can take sides with Jesus?
Be kind and sweet to everyone and don't do anything wrong
Go and serve Him with all the denominations
By taking sides on what He said, and believing His Word
Don't let anyone blight His name
"Don't ask me foolish questions. Make this up in your mind, If you love the Lord with all your heart, You don't smoke, drink, or--or... Don't smoke, chew, or drink any shine." Where did Brother Branham write this?
In the back of his first Bible
On a tree in the woods
On the wall of his first house
On his desk at school
The healed blind man said, "This is a marvelous thing." What did he find so marvelous?
All the new sights that he was seeing
That a man could heal his blind eyes and the religious leaders didn't know whence He was
That the Pharisees were kicking him out
He marveled at their unbelief