59-1217 What Was The Holy Ghost Given For?

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Sunday, February 14, 2010

Where did Brother Branham read from in the Bible?
I Timothy 3:16
St. John 14:14
I Corinthians 12:13
1 John 4:14
What does the word "Kosmos" mean?
World system
Outer space, or the heavens
Understanding and wisdom
Fill in the blank. Jesus said, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in _______, he shall teach you all things, and bring all these things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
My name
His name
Our names
It's name
Which disciple said to Jesus "Show us the Father?"
Before Boaz could marry _____, he had to redeem all that _____ had lost.
Ruth, Naomi
Naomi, Ruth
Naomi, Boaz
Ruth, Ruth
God follows His own laws.
In the garden of Eden, when did God come down to commune with Adam and Eve?
In the cool mist of the morning
In the darkness of the night
During the gentle breeze of the afternoon
In the cool of the evening
Brother Branham said, "There's a secret lies there that even goes with my ministry." What was he talking about?
Watching nature
Reading the Bible
Praying for the sick
Seeing visions
Who were the three witnesses that were on Mount Transfiguration with Jesus?
Jesus, Moses and Elijah
God, Moses, and Elijah
John, Peter, and James
Peter, James, and Judas
When should you strengthen your brethren?
When they are down
After they are converted
After you are converted
Never, only God can strengthen your brethren
You are not converted until you've _______.
Been baptized in the correct way
Started to go to church
Strengthened your brethren
Received the Holy Ghost
John baptized unto remission of sins.
When can you say that Jesus is the Christ?
When your pastor teaches you
When the Holy Ghost comes into you, and bears record
When your mother tells you He is the Christ
As soon as you have been baptized in His Name
"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel by word only."
What power did Peter have when they went out into the streets on the day of Pentecost?
Power of prophecy
Power of forgiveness
Power of speech
Power against unclean spirits
What does cloven mean?
Pulled together
We all are full of something.
If you do not receive the Holy Ghost you can not come in the _______.
By one _______ into one Body and been made partakers of His grace.
Creed we are all joined
Water we are all baptized
Spirit we are all baptized
Baptism we are all placed
What was the Holy Ghost sent for?
To give you power
To make you live a holy life
To continue the work of God among His people
All of the above