57-0303A Why Is It That So Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life?
The Foundation Quiz
Due: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
You can never _____ too much.
Study the Bible
Where in the Bible does Brother Branham read from?
James 3:5-7
Isaiah 37:17-18
Ezekiel 36:26-27
Samuel 9:10-11
A prophet is a gift to the church, not an office in the church.
If you become a Christian, you can be made into a prophet.
Ezekiel saw _______ years ahead.
Three hundred
Five thousand two hundred
Two thousand five hundred
Three thousand
God's Church is to be run by _______.
The laws of the Old Testament
One church that oversees all the other churches
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Christian Businessmen
Jesus said in one place, "Cast not _____ before _____."
Bread, dogs
Sheep, wolves
Gold, thieves
Pearls, swine
In the Orient, what were bottles made out of in the Bible day?
Animal skin
What made the bottles flexible?
The wine
The sap from the tree
Where was Brother Branham when he ran into the mournful trees?
South Utah
Washington State
Northern British Columbia
What is the principle of a revival?
A people that are set in their ways and unmoveable
A people who are flexible to the coming of the Holy Spirit
A people few in number but chosen of God
A denominated but religious people
What kind of skies did Brother Branham say there were the night he was chasing the bear?
Cloudless skies
Buttermilk skies
Mushroom cloud skies
Creamy skies
Brother Branham said, "I'm a _______. I don't want to _______ any of the Word." I want to say just what the Word says.
Spiritualist, literalize
Realist, spiritualize
Literalist, spiritualize
Realist, make believe
The new spirit that God gives you is the Holy Spirit.
"Notice, the new heart is put right in the middle of you. And the new spirit is put right in the middle of your _______. And _______ is put right in the middle of the new spirit."
Mind, a new heart
New heart, His Spirit
Soul, salvation
Mind, His Spirit
What is the mainspring?
Brotherly love
The Holy Ghost
Your heart
Your body laid on this earth in the beginning.
What did the Holy Spirit do when there was not one speck of life anywhere on the earth?
He began brooding over the earth
He bought up the seas to water the earth
He created a man to plant seeds on the earth
He rained fire from heaven to cleanse the ground and make it fruitful
What did Brother Branham say was perhaps Adam and Eve's cathedral?
A large pile of rocks
A bunch of trees
A mountain top
A bubbling spring of water
What song did Brother Branham lead the congregation in while people gathered around the altar?
"Only Believe"
"Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour"
"Have Thine Own Way, Lord"
"My Saviour First of All"