63-0304 A Absolute

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Friday, May 31, 2024

According to Webster, an absolute, in itself, is “________,” and primarily is an (a) “_______.”
Powerless / Unqualified
Unlimited in power / Ultimate
A paradox / Mystery
Option / Guideline
What was Paul’s absolute that he held to his entire life, after his conversion?
The Sanhedrin Council
His education
A Christ-centered life
A happy life
Why is a Christian life so odd and peculiar?
Because they are looking to God’s Word
Because they follow the world
Because they do what they want to do
None of the Above
Before you can have faith, you’ve got to have something to have faith in.
The morning star is a different star than the evening star.
To follow this Star, it’s the way out of all troubles. It’s the way to peace. It’s the way to success. It’s the way to Life, itself.
The north star
The morning star
The Lord Jesus
The sun
When we are tied to Him, we don’t get flusterated and all worked up like the world does.
"We’ve got to have _______ no matter what we’re doing. If we’re ever going to achieve anything, we’ve got to have _______."
An absolute
A plan
A meeting
An idea
When Brother Branham said he was in Egypt, how far did they have to dig down in the ground to find the place where Pharaoh was seated as king of the earth?
Ten feet
Eight feet
Twenty feet
Fifteen feet
"And that’s what’s the matter in the Christian faith today. We got too many _______, everybody making their own absolute."
North stars
Stop signs
Traffic jams
God’s absolute is _______.
Your church
His Word
The stars
Man’s ideas
What did God give Noah after accepting His absolute?
A trial
A sign
A promise
What happened the next day after Noah went in the ark and God shut the door behind him?
There were black clouds and thunder and lightning
It started to rain and the earth flooded
All of the unbelievers came and got in the ark
The sun came up just as bright as it ever did
No matter how bad it seems like, and how dark it gets, still believe your absolute.
Jesus would not let His disciples preach, no matter how well they knew Him, until _______.
They went to school and got a degree
They were ordained by the Pharisees
They were endued with Power from on High
They could show signs and do miracles
Who said, “For me and my house, we’ll serve the Lord”?
Speaking of George Washington, Brother Branham said, "A bullet couldn’t even kill him, from an enemy’s rifle. Certainly." Why?
He could ride fast on his horse and dodge the bullets
He was wearing armor underneath his coat
He had a prayer meeting. He got the answer.
The enemy’s rifles were weak
All Christians must use this same Absolute, the Word of God.
"And again, 'If the people that’s called by My Name shall assemble themselves together and pray, then I’ll hear from Heaven.' _______, that’s it."
Going to church
Prayer meeting
"But if you can _______ your faith into such a place that you know, and stay there and pray until God answers back, and you know you’ve got it in your heart, something is going to happen."