62-0610E Convinced Then Concerned

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Who was Brother Branham talking about when he said, "And the years that I’ve knowed him, he’s never changed one bit, only just went higher in God"?
Brother Parker
Brother Neville
Banks Wood
Brother Ben
Who was the boy that was crippled, his leg twisted up with polio, and God healed him in one of Brother Branham's meetings?
Jim Pool
David Wood
Edward Colvin
Garnett Peake
"You know what I think of these people, that where they come from? I think of _______, ‘Were sawed asunder, and wandered about in goatskin and sheepskin, of whom the world is not worthy of.’ They all bear their testimony."
Colossians, the 7th chapter
Ephesians, the 11th chapter
Hebrews, the 11th chapter
Philippians, the 7th chapter
When Brother Branham first started out in prayer meetings, how far did a woman drive in a taxicab to get to a meeting in Canada?
Three thousand miles
One thousand miles
Five hundred miles
Three hundred miles
How many days and nights did Brother Branham stay at the platform one time, without leaving, trying to pray for all of the people?
The people are convinced that Jesus is coming soon
"They’re not convinced that He’s with them. If they were, they would come back to _______."
The Word
Their traditions
Words speak louder than actions.
Jesus loves His sheep. He said, “Feed them.” And sheep must have ___________.
Hireling shepherds
Big pastures
A lot of wool
Sheep Food
What is sheep Food?
The Bread of Life
Grains and nuts
What kind of business did Brother Branham say he was in when the man asked why he was with the businessmen?
"Sales business"
"Farming business"
"Insurance business"
"Assurance business"
There was a farmer that got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in one of Brother Branham's meetings. What did he have so that he could go and get thirty more filled with the Holy Ghost?
His experience and a truck
A great meeting and services throughout the country
A one-month tent revival in his town
His testimony printed in the newspaper
"…If we are convinced that Jesus is coming soon, we’ll be concerned about our _______. We’ll be doing all we can to get the Gospel out."
Calling in life
Lost ones
He was a wrestling prince. God came down and got a hold of him, and they wrestled all night.
We don’t have to be convinced about psychology, but we have to get _______.
"When you’re _______ that This is the Word of God, God is _______ to take care of you with It."
Interested / Interested
Sure / Obligated
Concerned / Convinced
Convinced / Concerned
When the old circuit preacher came through down in Kentucky, and the crops was all burning up, he went on his knees to pray for rain to come. What did Brother Branham's dad do because he knew the rain was coming?
He went to his fields to watch the rain water his crops
He went to dig ditches to hold the water
He took the saddle off his mule and threw it under the church
He went to the altar to thank God for the rain
In the last days, the antichrist would be so religious, and so much like the real thing, till he would deceive all upon the earth, even those whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
"She’ll rise up in the judgment and condemn thousands of people out of the United States here."
The woman at the well
The Syrophoenician woman
Mary Magdalene
Were any prayer cards given out? Did there need to be?