64-0206E God's Provided Way For This Day

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Wednesday, March 31, 2021

“God, in this last days, I believe, has give us everything He has got in His Book. Everything that He has promised, we’ve seen, and still it seems like that people can’t _______ it. Those who are ordained to _______ it, will _______ it; only those. It It blinds one; opens the eyes of another.”
God is more willing to help you than you are to help yourself.
"He is all wisdom. He is all power, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and infinite. So therefore, when He says anything, _______ on It, because it’s true."
Place your heart
Rest forever
Hang your soul
Believe undoubtedly
They’ve never found a better way for ducks and geese to go South, than to ________ first. What did Brother Branham say it was when they do this?
Honk / It's traveling time
Sleep / It's resting time
Swarm / It's revival time
Eat / It's preparation time
"And that’s the way the believing Christian should do, God’s child. If you see that God made the promise, don’t give it up, _______ till it’s answered. _______ till you see God vindicates His Word."
Stand strong
Be patient
Abraham had need of a sacrifice, and God provided him a _______. Job was in trouble, and God provided him a _______. Israel needed a way out of Egypt, and God provided them a _______.
Lamb / Vision / Prophet
Fire / Comforter / King
Altar / Song / Faith
Son / Wife / Promised land
These things that we are seeing today, should've happened twenty years ago, or forty years ago.
How old was Moses when he got ready to die, and God provided him a Rock?
80 years old
105 years old
120 years old
40 years old
When Moses got ready to die, what did God provide him?
A Rock
A Refuge
The Urim Thummim
Perfect peace
How long did the wise men follow the Star?
Until they reached the holy city, Jerusalem
They never stopped following it
Until they found the perfect Light
Until they returned back to their home
Who had heard Andrew talk many times about John introducing a Messiah, and all the things taking place. It was all mystery to him. But one day he come with Andrew to see Jesus, and God provided a way for him to see Who He was?
John the beloved
Where do we find out that He promised us a Message in the last days, that would "restore the Faith of the people back to the fathers again?"
Luke 17
Malachi 4
Malachi 3
Revelation 7
What was the last sign that Abraham saw before the destruction of the Gentiles?
The birth of Isaac
Lot coming out of Sodom
God providing a ram for a sacrifice
God manifested in human flesh
What does the word "presume" mean, according to Webster?
“To adventure without authority”
“Claim to have something without having it”
“To proceed with full authority”
“To be uncertain in your beliefs”
Brother Branham said, "I believe It is the Message of the hour, the time that we’re living in. It’s God’s provided way. I’m ________!"
Believing on It
Riding on It
Certain of It
Resting on It
Why couldn’t Israel see their Messiah, when they saw that He was that Word, when He could discern the thoughts that was in their heart?
Because they couldn't understand it through the prophets
They saw it but refused to recognize Him in their day
They failed to see it because they were blinded
They had their priests and were not looking for a Messiah
A gift is just to get yourself out of the way and let the Holy Spirit use you.
Who was Brother Branham taking about when said, "He got up and walked, come to the platform, touched his toes, after being a cripple for sixty-six years"?
Paul Rader
John D Rockefeller
An old Indian Brother
Brother Upshaw
The Bible said, that, “He is the High Priest, right now, that can be touched by the feeling of our _______.”
What message did Brother Branham say he was talking on that morning at the ministerial breakfast?
A paradox
The Token