59-0329E The Sign Of The Messiah

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Thursday, October 31, 2024

When Brother Branham came in the building, a little couple was getting out of the car with a sick baby. Did God heal the baby?
What subject did Brother Branham preach on that morning?
Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming
A Paradox
Go, Tell My Disciples
When Jesus was here on earth, He did not claim to be a Healer, but He showed to the people His Messianic sign. What was that sign?
Casting out devils
Preaching the Gospel
Healing the sick
To know the secret of their heart
Which of these things did Brother Branham mention that proved Jesus was the Messiah?
When He told Peter what his name was and what his father’s name was
When He told Nathanael, "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the tree"
When He told the woman at the well what was in her heart
All of the Above
What did Brother Branham say visions cause?
"Them little offerings that you give me, you know what happens to them? I went to Puerto Rico and Jamaica a few weeks ago, where they registered forty thousand converts in nine nights. What did it? Your _______."
When Brother Branham was calling for prayer card number ten, what was the number of the man that tried to get in line?
After Brother Branham called the prayer line, what did he ask the pianist to play, softly and quietly?
Blessed Assurance
Only Believe
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus
Amazing Grace
"Now what will God do? There’s the Scripture, the Spirit of God is here, now will it work? If I can _______ myself to the Holy Spirit, it’ll work. And it won’t work for me unless you _______ yourself to the Holy Spirit, “For many mighty works Jesus could not do in His Own country, because of their unbelief."
When Jesus met the woman at the well, when did she recognize Him to be the Messiah?
As soon as she saw Him
When He started talking to her
When He told her what her trouble was
None of the Above
What changed the color of the white man, the black man, the yellow man, the brown man, the red man?
The sunlight
The clothes we wore
The countries we lived in
The changing of seasons
Brother Branham said, "But He can do something to prove that He is still the same Jesus, and she would believe it, she would be healed. And the same time she would be healed, you would be healed, too, if you would _______."
Believe it
Come to the altar
Kneel down and pray
Raise your hand
What happened to the old man that couldn’t get in the prayer line because he had the wrong number?
He missed his healing
He was healed
He walked out
He got upset
Who did Brother Branham tell, "…I know you, but I can’t help that Light holding over you"?
Mrs. Weber
Sister Bell
Mrs. Nash
Sister Weaver
"A little lady sitting on the end of the seat there, with her finger over her mouth, what do you think, young lady? You’ve had a nervous breakdown. You’re scared of having another one. That’s right. If that’s right, raise up your hand, as you wipe your tears from your eyes. _______, and you won’t have it."
Stand up
Raise your hand
Don’t fear
"I’ll pray from right here, and the whole group of you will be healed _______ if you’ll believe it."
Tomorrow morning
Right there
Right now
"Now just think, that’s your confession, God is coming into you right now. _______ in the Holy Spirit, by faith, 'I believe that my condition is being healed. I believe that all my sickness is taken away.'"
"That’s all you have to do, is _______ on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be healed!"
The Holy Spirit is never wrong.
Brother Branham said, "I was fixing to turn the service for Brother Neville, for the healing is over, but Something said, _____________."
"Pray for more sick people"
"Make an altar call"
“They need healing of the soul”
"Have a baptismal service"