59-1219 Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost
The Foundation Quiz
Due: Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Emphatic Diaglott reads "When the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one _____ and in the same place." Brother Branham said he liked that better than one _____.
Accord, Mind
Spirit, mind
Mind, accord
Accord, spirit
When the Sound came from Heaven like a violent Wind rushing, they were all praying.
The baptism of the Holy Ghost and sanctification are the same thing.
Anyone that speaks with an unknown tongue upon receiving the Holy Ghost does it contrary to the Bible.
How many tongues of fire came down in the upper room?
Which of the following is a true statement concerning the day of Pentecost?
The crowd outside all heard Peter in their own languages
The crowd outside only consisted of Jews and Arabians
When Peter spoke to all the people, he spoke in their own tongue
All of the 120 spoke with an unknown tongue when they ran into the streets
He stepped out and said that the communion that the Catholic called the literal Body of Christ, only represented the Body of Christ
Has Brother Branham ever spoke in tongues?
Which Scripture in the Bible speaks of turning someone over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that their spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord?
Hebrews 6
I Corinthians 5
I Corinthians 12
Acts 2
If a baby dies before the years of accountability, where does it go, heaven or hell?
The baby goes wherever their parents go
The baby never had time to repent of its sins, so it is lost and will go to hell
The baby hasn't done nothing at all, so it is absolutely freely to go to heaven
None of the above
Who did Isaiah see in a vision 712 years before they were born?
The Lord Jesus
John the Baptist
If Brother Branham was to pastor a church, he said he would try to find every person in there that had a gift. He'd have those people to meet about how long before the services started in a room to themselves, to let them set under the Spirit?
Half an hour
Two hours
Forty-five minutes
One hour
Can a person speaking in unknown tongues interpret their own message?
Yes, they should pray that they may interpret
Absolutely not, there has to be another person to interpret
A person cannot interpret their own message and should remain silent if there is no interpreter
The Bible never covers this, so we just don't know
"The _____ of the prophets is subject to the prophet."
When should messages through speaking in tongues and prophesy come forth?
Anytime during the service is fine
Whenever the Spirit of the Lord comes on you, because you can't control when you speak in tongues
When the pastor is giving the announcements
Before the main service starts
When a man speaks in tongues and another raises up and interprets what he says, it must be judged between how many witnesses before it can be given to the church?
2 or 3
Only one
It does not need to be judged
It is impossible for a man to _______.
Speak in tongues with no interpreter
Receive the Holy Ghost, and then backslide and be lost
Have the Holy Ghost without speaking in tongues
Repent and be baptized and not receive the Holy Ghost
When he talked to them and caught their spirits, what did Brother Branham find out about the men who spoke in tongues and interpreted?
That they didn't have the Holy Ghost
They lied about their testimonies and how they met each other
They didn't believe the Bible
That one was a genuine Christian, and the other was a hypocrite
When Brother Branham was at his cave, what chapter in his Bible did the wind continually blow open?
Hebrews 6
Revelation 5
1 Corinthians
Ephesians 1
A man can set in the meeting, can speak with tongues, can shout and act just like the rest of them with the genuine Holy Ghost, and still not be in the Kingdom of God.