December Quiz Messages

Many people wonder why the name of Brother Branham’s ministry is called Voice Of God Recordings. That’s a good question, and we have a good answer. It’s very simple. We have the Voice Of God that was recorded on magnetic tape, and now on digital format, and we get to duplicate and share these recordings of God’s Voice for this generation with the Bride of Christ around the world.

Think about the questions below as you read through them. They are questions that have perplexed both clergy and laity throughout all ages. Many of these questions are on our hearts still today. But God has spoken, and we now have the answers. We only have to press play.

Did God make man to achieve? What is the seed chapter of the Bible? What is the only way a man can achieve right? Who IS the ruler of this earth? Did you know that the Tower of Babylon is the devil's pattern off of Jacob’s Ladder and Communism is his pattern off of Pentecost? Where is God’s Kingdom? Why does the devil take a man’s head? There are only two classes of people on the earth, which one are you of?

Those are questions that you’ll find the answers to on just one message. But there’s more…

Who will be the one that the Father will give the Kingdom to? Do you know who the founder of Bethlehem was? What is it that Bethlehem had like no other place? Did you know that Ruth and Orpah were types of today? Is God’s desire your command? Are you a warrior standing by His side? Who is God's Bethlehem, full of Bread and Water? Are you glad that we have a place to come, to eat and live forever?!

You’re in for a real treat this month as you go to listen to these two pinnacle messages that concluded the year of 1958 for Brother Branham, and that will also conclude the year of 2016 for us. There are so many nuggets that you can polish over and over, and so many helpful questions that the prophet answers. What better way to end the year than hearing the Voice of God speak to our hearts!

The tape quizzes will be available for the entire month of December for anyone to take and submit your scores. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.
