54-0514 The Seal Of God

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Thursday, November 30, 2023

In the dream that Marion Lee had of building a house, what did the owner tell him to do after he put a porch on instead of a bay window?
Tear it down to the foundation and start over again
Add a bay window on to the porch
Build another porch on the side of the house
Leave it the way he built it
The greatest criminal there is in the world is ________. The greatest blessing there is in the world is ________.
Cancer / Modern medicine
A thief / A giving heart
Deception / The Truth
The Mark Of The Beast / The Seal Of God
"And His Voice was the Voice of many waters, both ______ and ______, speaking together;"
The Church / The world
Faith / Love
Christ / The Church
Signs / Wonders
Russia, communism, is the mark of the beast.
The beast means a "power." Where did the beast come from?
The United States
What was the first organization that was ever organized in the world, of Christian religion?
The Catholic church
The Methodist church
The Pentecostal church
The Lutheran church
"And, remember, that we found, without one mistake, that the mark of the beast is a mark of ______, that is, church members hanging to _______ instead of walking in the Light."
Apostasy / Their church
Immorality / Society
Worldliness / Sin
Organization / Education
"The biggest lie was ever told, had a lot of _______ in it. That’s right."
If any woman cuts her hair off, her husband has a right to give her a divorce.
God takes His ______, but never His _______.
Gifts / Signs
Man / Spirit
Man / Gifts
Spirit / Man
Israel only packed camp and followed the Pillar of Fire in the mornings.
When could a slave drop whatever he was doing, look in the taskmaster’s face, and say, "You can’t hit me one more time, I’m free"?
When he heard the jubilee trumpet sounding
When the day was ending and the shadows of the evening were falling
When he finished all his work
When the sun would rise from behind the tallest mountain
What can you find right around where all the clubs are laying and the scarecrows are hanging up?
The worst apples
The best apples
The biggest apples
The smallest apples
When Brother Branham reads Revelation the 9th chapter and the 4th verse, what was the only thing that was protected when the plagues were coming?
Those who were inside the holy temple
Those who were sealed away in the Kingdom of God
Those who were circumcised and washed in the baptismal waters
Only those who followed the laws of Moses
Brother Branham read in Ephesians 4:30, "…grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed until the day of your redemption." What does sealing mean?
A "sign of Christianity”
An "approval of the church"
A "sign of completion"
A "spiritual revelation"
With all them old men, hundreds of little babies born every night, crippled people, and sick people, what did Moses have in his medicine kit?
"By His stripes we were healed"
"I'm the Lord that healeth thee"
The brass serpent
None of the Above
In the vision of Revelation, the 7th chapter, what did Brother Branham say "winds" are?
Peoples and multitudes
Plagues and diseases
Revivals and healings
Wars and strife
What kind of a mark did the Holy Ghost Church receive, for a mark in their forehead?
A physical sign
A tattoo on their forehead
A spiritual sign
None of the Above
Does "set aside for service" mean you’re in service?
"The only safe place there is today is in Christ Jesus. God bless you. If you’re not in, _______ till you get in."