Edmonton Creations Class - Mold Me And Make Me

Below is a Creations report from the little tribe of believers in Edmonton.

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus! Edmonton Creations reporting in for duty!

Class opened with a word of prayer from one of the brothers for our humble little group of anxious children ranging from 3yrs - 11yrs.

The children gathered around a small puppet theatre. "Penny" and a mischievous "Drumstick" demonstrated how we are clay and God is the potter. They listened to the quote:

Identify yourself with some movie queen, and see where you'll be. Identify yourself with some cowboy, or some teen-ager, and see where you'll be. But I challenge you, tonight, identify yourself with Jesus Christ, in His death, in His resurrection, and see where you'll be at the resurrection. “For if we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him.” God has given us the promise. My whole desire is to be like Him. Take me, O Lord, and mold me and make me. Shape me over again. Like the prophet that went down to the potter's house, break me up and remold me. 59-1220E - Identified With Christ

Our intention was to play the same quote creations had posted, but the website went down just as we went to check the exact quote - The Lord must have wanted this one: )

The Scripture verse was Isaiah 68:10. Penny (the puppet) also encouraged them to join in on Global Quiet time on Saturdays and EACH day. The kids sang the song "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" and even praised The Lord!

We moved onto the clay craft letting them design whatever they chose with their clay. Some kids did bowls, some fish, food, Bibles and even YF's first truck! Who knows what's in store for these little creative minds; but we pray they will always remember to let the Holy Spirit mold and make them, just as they molded and made their own creation.

It was an evening set aside for The Lord, and all that were there received a blessing of serving and learning and fellowshipping.

Looking forward to the next class!

God Bless you! And thank you for the Creations website - keep up the good work!

